Thursday, November 21, 2013

Meet a Woman With More than 19 Feet of Hair

How do you get 19 feet of hair? Just don't cut it for, say, a couple of decades.
Asha Mandela hasn't been clipped in 22 years -- giving her a record of more than 19 feet of dreadlocks, according to Guinness.
Amazingly, she first entered the record books with just 8 feet of hair -- forgetting all the tied up locks hidden in her hair.
It took 14 hours for a hairdresser to straighten them out -- but when she did, Mandela placed another call to the Guinness folks and had her numbers adjusted.
Mandela was born in Trinidad & Tobago, but is currently a U.S. citizen living in Florida where she create and sells -- you guessed it -- hair products.

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